
According to various unofficial dictionaries, a europhile is someone who likes/loves/adores the culture/history/food/music/art/literature/languages of Europe.

Having lived in assorted European countries, this definition pretty much sums me up. With teenage contributors from  all over Europe, was set up for us young people to celebrate everything we love about our continent.

Please feel free to comment with suggestions/ advice!

If you’d like to contribute, go ahead and get in touch via Twitter: @The_Europhiles or email theeurophiles@gmail.com


  1. Paulina Czarnecki

    I’m from Poland, but I live in the USA… Also a teen… I miss it more than I can say sometimes. 🙂

  2. rhiannoncdavies

    Great blog, particularly love the London-related stuff (I’m at Royal Holloway, University of London, so we’re a bit out of central London). Thanks for swinging by my blog!

  3. keurawa

    Great blog! I too, love all things European, especially the food! Thanks for stopping by Keurawa.com and liking my post!

  4. rhiannoncdavies

    Hey there again! A while ago you liked a fashion-piece on my blog, thought I’d just give you a heads-up, it’s Sunday- that means upload day. I just uploaded a post on my top three statement coats for this Autumn. Check it out x

  5. fullcircle29

    How sweet of you guys to like my blog. I’m about twice the age of the average teen, so it’s very nice to have you drop by.

  6. thomasoutt

    Appreciate the kind response to the notice of the Fat Tire neon lighting design. Sorry, I don’t know about the artist, but that lack of information does not lesson the visual enjoyment. Very happy to learn about you.

  7. beckyoinla

    bonjour!! Merci beaucoup pour le “like” du mon blog!! I love your blog – I am definitely a Europhile, specifically a Francophile… I can’t seem to get enough of all things France! Looking forward to staying in touch!!

  8. Olga Brajnović

    Thank you for the like on my post about Ukraine. I’m so glad you read it, this way I discovered your interesting blog. I’m looking forward to follow.

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